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What is job portal system?

Job portals, or job boards, are sites where you can advertise jobs and search for resumes. They are an integral part of almost every hiring process and using them effectively will translate into qualified candidates for relatively low costs.

What are the features of job portal?

Job Seeker Tools

* Job Search. The Job seekers appreciate for being able to search job listings and reach towards the desired and best match of openings, you help keep your job board audiences with maximum commitment...
* Advance Filters...
* Apply on Job. ...
* Job Alerts. ...
* Job Save. ...
* Resume Search. ...
* Job Posting. ...
* Application Tracking System.

When you ask “Why was jobs layoff?” It won’t be wrong to say the coronavirus breakout sent shockwaves through the global employment trend. The global economy is disturbed as the new statistics shows. The post-COVID-19 pandemic downturn seems serious as unemployment shall be dominating in and after the calendar year 2021. “According to Nasscom, 60% of the major companies have escaped layoffs, but this did not add to employment as these companies retained their original staff. Now, both employers and job-seekers looking for new recruitment and jobs respectively. Perception System addresses the versatile needs of the recruitment industry with the latest trends and features you should consider before job portal development. We recommend you to keep these top features while considering a job portal solution to ensure you derive maximum return on your investment.” The recent studies have estimated 18 million resumes doing rounds on various online job portals. The online recruitment market is poised to grow by $3.52 bn in USA during 2020-2024. The stats say that 86% of Organisations are Using Virtual Hiring During COVID-19.